Liste der Veröffentlichungen von Doktorand:innen
- Biersack, K. (2024). Depressive Erkrankungen in der hausärztlichen Versorgung. Zeitschrift für Allgemeinmedizin, 100(6).
- Brisnik, V., Rottenkolber, M., Vukas, J., Schechner, M., Lukaschek, K., Jung-Sievers, C., Gensichen, J., Thiem, U., Drey, M., Krüger, N., Mair, A., Guthrie, B., Fischer, S., Dreischulte, T., Falkai, P., Henningsen, P., Bühner, M., Krcmar, H., Pitschel-Walz, G., . . . for the, P. S. G. (2024). Potential deprescribing indications for antidepressants between 2012 and 2019: repeated cross-sectional analysis in two Scottish health boards. BMC Medicine, 22(1), 378.
- Brisnik, V., Vukas, J., Jung-Sievers, C., Lukaschek, K., Alexander, G. C., Thiem, U., Thürmann, P., Schüle, C., Fischer, S., Baum, E., Drey, M., Harder, S., Niebling, W., Janka, U., Krause, O., Gensichen, J., & Dreischulte, T. (2024). Deprescribing of antidepressants: development of indicators of high-risk and overprescribing using the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method. BMC Med, 22(1).
- Di Meo, A. J., Gökce, F., Pfeiffer, L., Teusen, C., Gehrmann, J., Jung-Sievers, C., Schneider, A., Gensichen, J., Pitschel-Walz, G., & De Valerio, K. (2024). Entwicklung einer Checkliste zur Patient*innenbeteiligung in der Forschung - Eine qualitative Studie innerhalb eines Graduiertenkollegs zum Thema Depression. Gesundheitswesen. (Entwicklung einer Checkliste zur Patient*innenbeteiligung in der Forschung – Eine qualitative Studie innerhalb eines Graduiertenkollegs zum Thema Depression.)
- Drescher, A., Biersack, K. (2021). Start des POKAL-Kollegs: Nachwuchsförderung für Klinik und Erforschung psychischer Primärversorgung. Zeitschrift für Allgemeinmedizin, 98(2).
- Ebert, C., Vogel, M., Gensichen, J., Reif, H., Grögor, L., Junker, L., Ehring, T., Hasan, A., Leucht, S., Lochbühler, K., Bühner, M., Dreischulte, T., Falkai, P., Henningsen, P., Jung-Sievers, C., Krcmar, H., Lukaschek, K., Pitschel-Walz, G., Prommegger, B., . . . for the, P.-G. (2025). Evaluation of a transdiagnostic mental health intervention in German primary care: study protocol for a parallel-group, two-arm, cluster randomised controlled pilot study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 11(1), 13.
- Eder, J., Dom, G., Gorwood, P., Kärkkäinen, H., Decraene, A., Kumpf, U., Beezhold, J., Samochowiec, J., Kurimay, T., Gaebel, W., De Picker, L., & Falkai, P. (2023). Improving mental health care in depression: A call for action. Eur Psychiatry, 66(1).
- Eder, J., Dong, M. S., Wöhler, M., Simon, M. S., Glocker, C., Pfeiffer, L., Gaus, R., Wolf, J., Mestan, K., Krcmar, H., Koutsouleris, N., Schneider, A., Gensichen, J., Musil, R., & Falkai, P. (2025). A Multimodal Approach to Depression Diagnosis: Insights from Machine Learning Algorithm Development in Primary Care. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. (In revision)
- Eder, J., Glocker, C., Barton, B., Sarisik, E., Popovic, D., Lämmermann, J., Knaf, A., Beqiri-Zagler, A., Engl, K., Rihs, L., Pfeiffer, L., Schmitt, A., Falkai, P., Simon, M. S., & Musil, R. (2024). Who is at risk for weight gain after weight-gain associated treatment with antipsychotics, antidepressants, and mood stabilizers: A machine learning approach. Acta Psychiatr Scand.
- Eder, J., Pfeiffer, L., Wichert, S. P., Keeser, B., Simon, M. S., Popovic, D., Glocker, C., Brunoni, A. R., Schneider, A., Gensichen, J., Schmitt, A., Musil, R., & Falkai, P. (2024). Deconstructing depression by machine learning: the POKAL-PSY study. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 274(5).
- Gehrmann, J., Eck, S., Schneider, A., Fischer, F., Bruhn, I., & Teusen, C. (2024). [Participation in primary care research - From the idea to the constitution of a citizens advisory board]. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes, 184, 40-49. (Partizipation in der allgemeinmedizinischen Forschung – Von der Idee bis zur Gründung eines Bürger*innenbeirats.)
- Gensichen, J., Lukaschek, K., Jung-Sievers, C., Falkai, P., Schmitt, A., Henningsen, P., Dreischulte, T., Pitschel-Walz, G., Krcmar, H., Böhm, M., Prommegger, B., Linde, K., Drescher, A., Schönweger, P., Haas, C., Brand, C., Younesi, P., Vukas, J., Brisnik, V., . . . Schneider, A. (2022). Predictors and outcomes in primary depression care (POKAL) - a research training group develops an innovative approach to collaborative care. BMC Prim Care, 23(1).
- Gökce, F., Jais, D., Sterner, P., Schneider, A., Gensichen, J., & Pitschel-Walz, G. (2024). The revision and factor analytic evaluation of the German version of the depression literacy scale (D-Lit-R German). BMC Psychol, 12(1).
- Haas, C., Gensichen, J., & Lukaschek, K. (2023). Keine Angst vor der Panik. MMW - Fortschritte der Medizin, 165(3).
- Hapfelmeier, A., Donhauser, J., Teusen, C., Eck, S., & Schneider, A. (2024). Frequency, persistence and relation of disease symptoms, psychosomatic comorbidity and daily life impairment after COVID-19: a cohort study in general practice. BMC Primary Care, 25(1), 295.
- Lamm, T. T., Von Schrottenberg, V., Rauch, A., Bach, B., Pedersen, H. F., Rask, M. T., Ørnbøl, E., Wellnitz, K. B., & Frostholm, L. (2025). Five-factor personality traits and functional somatic disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Psychol Rev, 115.
- Lukaschek, K., Beltz, C., Rospleszcz, S., Schillok, H., Falkai, P., Margraf, J., & Gensichen, J. (2023). Depressive primary care patients’ assessment of received collaborative care. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 2329.
- Lukaschek, K., Haas, C., Wannemüller, A., Brettschneider, C., Dreischulte, T., Margraf, J., Gensichen, J., & on behalf of the, P. s. g. (2023). CBT—Intervention for panic disorder in primary care: 5 years follow-up of a cRCT during the Covid-19 pandemic. PLoS One, 18(1), e0287718.
- Neulinger, B., Ebert, C., Lochbühler, K., Bergmann, A., Gensichen, J., & Lukaschek, K. (2024). Screening tools assessing mental illness in primary care: A systematic review. European Journal of General Practice, 30(1), 2418299.
- Raub, J., Schillok, H., & Lochbühler, K. (2022). Graduiertenkolleg POKAL jährt sich im Kloster Seeon. Zeitschrift für Allgemeinmedizin, 98.
- Reindl-Spanner, P., Prommegger, B., Gensichen, J., & Krcmar, H. (2022). Insights on Patient-Generated Health Data in Healthcare: A Literature Review. Pacific Asia Confernce on Information Systems (PACIS),
- Reindl-Spanner, P., Prommegger, B., Gensichen, J., Krcmar, H., & Paper, R. (2023). Exploring the Potentials of Patient-Generated Health Data for the Treatment of Depression. European Conference on Information Systens (ECIS), Kristiansand, Norway.
- Reindl-Spanner, P., Prommegger, B., Ikonomi, T., Gensichen, J., & Krcmar, H. (2024). Connecting Patients and Clinicians: Shedding Light on Functionalities for Mental Health Apps in Depression Care. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 133-148).
- Reindl-Spanner, P., Prommegger, B., Gensichen, J., & Krcmar, H. (2025). Trackable Me: Relevant Data and User Types for the Tracking of Patient-Generated Health Data in Depression Care. In Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).
- Sanftenberg, L., Kaupe, L. (2024). STIKO-Impfempfehlung 2024: Was ist zu beachten? Continuing medical education, 21(5), 49-57.
- Schillok, H., Gensichen, J., Panagioti, M., Gunn, J., Junker, L., Lukaschek, K., Jung-Sievers, C., Sterner, P., Kaupe, L., Dreischulte, T., Ali, M., Aragonès, E., Bekelmann, D., Belnap, B. H., Carney, R., Chwastiak, L., Cole, M., Coventry, P., Davidson, K., . . . Bühner, M. (2025). Effective components of collaborative care for depression in primary care: An individual participant data meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry. (Accepted for publication)
- Schluessel, S., Halfter, K., Haas, C., Kroenke, K., Lukaschek, K., & Gensichen, J. (2023). Validation of the German Version of the P4 Suicidality Tool. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(15), 5047.
- Schoenweger, P., Eder, J., Pfeiffer, L., Falkai, P., Kirschneck, M., Simon, M. S., Ditzen-Janotta, C., Brunoni, A. R., Coenen, M., Dong, M., Gensichen, J., Glockner, C., Schmitt, A., Musil, R., Koutsouleris, N., & Jung-Sievers, C. (2025). Measuring social environment factors of inpatients and outpatients with depression in Germany: A cross-sectional study. BMJ Mental Health. (Accepted for publication).
- Schoenweger, P., Kirschneck, M., Biersack, K., Di Meo, A. F., Reindl-Spanner, P., Prommegger, B., Ditzen-Janotta, C., Henningsen, P., Krcmar, H., Gensichen, J., & Jung-Sievers, C. (2023). Community indicators for mental health in Europe: a scoping review. Front Public Health, 11.
- Teusen, C., Bühner, M., Hapfelmeier, A., von Schrottenberg, V., Linde, K., Gensichen, J., & Schneider, A. (2024). Development and psychometric evaluation of a questionnaire for the assessment of depression in primary care: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 14(7).
- Teusen, C., Hapfelmeier, A., von Schrottenberg, V., Gökce, F., Pitschel-Walz, G., Henningsen, P., Gensichen, J., & Schneider, A. (2022). Combining the GP's assessment and the PHQ-9 questionnaire leads to more reliable and clinically relevant diagnoses in primary care. PLoS One, 17(10), e0276534.
- Vogel, M., Ebert, C., Gensichen, J., Applis, H., Hasan, A., & Lochbühler, K. (2024). A systematic review and meta-analysis of transdiagnostic interventions for common mental disorders in primary care. Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 91, 167-179.
- von Schrottenberg, V., Kerber, A., Sterner, P., Teusen, C., Beigel, P., Linde, K., Henningsen, P., Herpertz, S. C., Gensichen, J., & Schneider, A. (2025). Exploring Associations of Somatic Symptom Disorder with Personality Dysfunction and Specific Maladaptive Traits. Psychopathology, 58(1), 1-12.
- von Schrottenberg, V., Toussaint, A., Hapfelmeier, A., Teusen, C., Riedl, B., Henningsen, P., Gensichen, J., Schneider, A., & Linde, K. (2024). Lessons learned from applying established cut-off values of questionnaires to detect somatic symptom disorders in primary care: a cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Psychology(1664-0640 (Print)).
- von Schrottenberg, V., Vukas, J., Henningsen, P., Jung-Sievers, C., Schneider, A., Gensichen, J., & für das, P. G. (2023). Die psychiatrische Kompetenz im hausärztlichen Bereich muss gestärkt werden – Pro. Psychiatr Prax, 50(08), 404-405.
- Wolff, K., Kienle, T., Haas, C., Oehler, P., Gensichen, J., Hegerl, U., Köhler, S., & Reif, A. (2022). Interdisziplinäre sowie intersektorale Zusammenarbeit in der Depressionsbehandlung. Hessisches Ärzteblatt, 2.
- Younesi, P., Biersack, K., Brand, C., Haas, C., Henningsen, P., Niebling, W., Dreischulte, T., Falkai, P., Gensichen, J., Buehner, M., Jung-Sievers, C., Krcmar, H., Lukaschek, K., Pitschel-Walz, G., Schneider, A., Biersack, K., & Younesi, P. (2023). Nationale Versorgungsleitlinie Unipolare Depression: Empfehlungen für die AllgemeinmedizinNational guideline on unipolar depression: a guideline for general medicine. Zeitschrift für Allgemeinmedizin, 99.
Die 10 wichtigsten Veröffentlichungen des Graduiertenkollegs
- Brisnik, V., Rottenkolber, M., Vukas, J., Schechner, M., Lukaschek, K., Jung-Sievers, C., Gensichen, J., Thiem, U., Drey, M., Krüger, N., Mair, A., Guthrie, B., Fischer, S., Dreischulte, T., Falkai, P., Henningsen, P., Bühner, M., Krcmar, H., Pitschel-Walz, G., . . . for the, P. S. G. (2024). Potential deprescribing indications for antidepressants between 2012 and 2019: repeated cross-sectional analysis in two Scottish health boards. BMC Medicine, 22(1), 378.
- Di Meo, A. J., Gökce, F., Pfeiffer, L., Teusen, C., Gehrmann, J., Jung-Sievers, C., Schneider, A., Gensichen, J., Pitschel-Walz, G., & De Valerio, K. (2024). Entwicklung einer Checkliste zur Patient*innenbeteiligung in der Forschung - Eine qualitative Studie innerhalb eines Graduiertenkollegs zum Thema Depression. Gesundheitswesen. (Entwicklung einer Checkliste zur Patient*innenbeteiligung in der Forschung – Eine qualitative Studie innerhalb eines Graduiertenkollegs zum Thema Depression.)
- Eder, J., Dong, M. S., Wöhler, M., Simon, M. S., Glocker, C., Pfeiffer, L., Gaus, R., Wolf, J., Mestan, K., Krcmar, H., Koutsouleris, N., Schneider, A., Gensichen, J., Musil, R., & Falkai, P. (2025). A Multimodal Approach to Depression Diagnosis: Insights from Machine Learning Algorithm Development in Primary Care. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci.
- Gensichen, J., Lukaschek, K., Jung-Sievers, C., Falkai, P., Schmitt, A., Henningsen, P., Dreischulte, T., Pitschel-Walz, G., Krcmar, H., Böhm, M., Prommegger, B., Linde, K., Drescher, A., Schönweger, P., Haas, C., Brand, C., Younesi, P., Vukas, J., Brisnik, V., . . . Schneider, A. (2022). Predictors and outcomes in primary depression care (POKAL) - a research training group develops an innovative approach to collaborative care. BMC Prim Care, 23(1).
- Gökce, F., Jais, D., Sterner, P., Schneider, A., Gensichen, J., & Pitschel-Walz, G. (2024). The revision and factor analytic evaluation of the German version of the depression literacy scale (D-Lit-R German). BMC Psychol, 12(1).
- Reindl-Spanner, P., Prommegger, B., Gensichen, J., Krcmar, H., & Paper, R. (2023). Exploring the Potentials of Patient-Generated Health Data for the Treatment of Depression European Conference on Information Systens (ECIS), Kristiansand, Norway.
- Schillok, H., Gensichen, J., Panagioti, M., Gunn, J., Junker, L., Lukaschek, K., Jung-Sievers, C., Sterner, P., Kaupe, L., Dreischulte, T., Ali, M., Aragonès, E., Bekelmann, D., Belnap, B. H., Carney, R., Chwastiak, L., Cole, M., Coventry, P., Davidson, K., . . . Bühner, M. (2025). Effective components of collaborative care for depression in primary care: An individual participant data meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry.
- Schoenweger, P., Kirschneck, M., Biersack, K., Di Meo, A. F., Reindl-Spanner, P., Prommegger, B., Ditzen-Janotta, C., Henningsen, P., Krcmar, H., Gensichen, J., & Jung-Sievers, C. (2023). Community indicators for mental health in Europe: a scoping review. Front Public Health, 11.
- Teusen, C., Bühner, M., Hapfelmeier, A., von Schrottenberg, V., Linde, K., Gensichen, J., & Schneider, A. (2024). Development and psychometric evaluation of a questionnaire for the assessment of depression in primary care: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 14(7).
- Vogel, M., Ebert, C., Gensichen, J., Applis, H., Hasan, A., & Lochbühler, K. (2024). A systematic review and meta-analysis of transdiagnostic interventions for common mental disorders in primary care. Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 91, 167-179.